miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Fichas Técnicas Hoteles Sandos Playacar y Caracol - PARA DESCARGAR


2 comentarios:

  1. Royal Elite timeshare sales associates are willing to tell you basically anything that you want to hear just to get you to sign, you should be able to ask as many questions as you have, you should be able to sleep on the decision you are about to make, specially is we are talking thousands of dollars, you should be able to review the hotel and the contract, if the contract is not giving to you to read it and review it.. THEN DO NOT SIGN, it means that everything you have being hearing during the presentation is a total and utter lie. here is another forum of this hotel and how many other people were scammed by this resort

  2. Mi esposo y yo estuvimos hospedados ahí el año pasado, y nos encantó el hotel. De frente tienes la vista a la playa, y de espaldas la selva. Es hermoso, lo único con lo que tuvimos problemas fue con los vendedores de tiempo compartido, yo les recomendaría que se alejen de ellos. Aquí hay más quejas al respecto:

    Quejas de Tiempo Compartido en Royal Elite
